Have you ever got a traffic infringement and couldn’t figure out what it was about? Have you wanted to look back at what you did some day in the past, and wished you had a record of some form?
Well, if you’re not too sensitive about tracking systems data; you might find google maps timeline feature really very useful.
Whilst you need to turn it on, the means to have the data about where you were at a particular time in the past; might be more helpful in the future than you might otherwise know.
The google maps system uses your Geolocation information from your phone that is otherwise tracked by telecommunications companies and apps on your phone. Google Maps timeline is a way you can have access to that same data.
Better yet; it’s downloadable.
It’s important you don’t use this functionality on an account that is not yours and that you have no right / permission, to use or obtain. Whilst considerations about privacy and surveillance is different in different jurisdictions, it’s generally not a good thing to do to another person unless they’ve explicitly asked you to do so.