The invention of a ‘knowledge banking industry’ that builds the means to deliver a ‘human centric web’, leads to a ramification that is the creation of a new medium. This new medium, for many reasons, is considered to be a meritorious work of art that should lend meaningful support to humanity, by ensuring an alternative to the pre-existing international peers of information management solutions, is available.
- the main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing, and the Internet) regarded collectively.
- plural form of medium.
1. an agency or means of doing something.“using the latest technology as a medium for job creation”
2. The intervening substance through which sensory impressions are conveyed or physical forces are transmitted.
“radio communication needs no physical medium between the two stations”Source:
Humanity has evolved through the meaningful use and development of technology that brought about radical changes moreover considered in terms of industrial evolutions. Over the 19th and 20th century these industrialised processes improved our media foundations, through which, we have empowered our means in continuing to strive to become better custodians for our natural world. Through communications media, we have developed remarkable means to do so, as our means to communicate with others, and to hear the creatively directed works of others, changed overtime in a plurality of ways.
Internet has brought about radical changes, over the course of only a few decades. These influences have become increasingly notable since the widespread introduction and use of smartphones. One of the most prominent examples includes the Apple iPhone, which since first released in 2007, is now reported to have cumulatively sold more than 1.2 Billion units by 2017 (source). The website statista reports “According to January 2018 data, the global mobile population amounted to 3.7 billion unique users. As of February 2017, mobile devices accounted for 49.7 percent of web page views worldwide”, whilst the news outlet reuters reports that “Ericsson has almost doubled its forecast for connected cellular Internet of Things (IoT) in 2023 to 3.5 billion” (devices).
Our present era of socioeconomic development is rapidly changing and is more simply considered by some, to be “the 4th industrial revolution“. Humanity is now producing tools that enables the industrialisation of systems and methods; that support functional outcomes; such as, the means to bioengineer flora, fauna and other bio-organisms.
Our use of technology increasingly influences our world in many ways, including means through which we influence weather. We produce the means to operate artificial actors, and do so much more. As a species, through the use of our time as individuals and the way through which socioeconomic frameworks influence the capacities for us to support our needs, and to work with others; the material outcomes produced, shapes our world.
The current design methodology employed as has forged the operational characteristics of our ICT systems share a common set of characteristics of how our ‘information management systems’ work.
Many of these systems continuing to make use of our natural world as a resources, as work done by natural persons is applied to the practical utility of how their efforts are articulated through the lens of legal personalities and the role they have, on defining what is supported to be done, and what is left without having been rendered a solution, that is technically otherwise able to be done.
We know the importance of ensuring we act sustainably, in the manner through which we do so. We know, and most-often do our best, to conform to the needs of our communities and to contribute meaningfully.
We are now manufacturing outcomes, in all sorts of new ways, that is built upon our use of ICT as a communications and recording medium. We depend upon the proper function of these systems, as others refer to the information made available as a consequence of them, to consequentially make decisions.
We are inextricably bound to the augmented world as is produced through the development of ICT mediums, and the means through which society is made able to function; now depend upon the functional characteristics of ICT, the way these systems provides us the means to do things, influencing how it is the work of human activity is applied to get things done, and how issues that unclear, are left unattended.
The ‘information management’ tooling presented through the more comprehensive notion of ICT; is built upon the means through which we produced tools that consume and manipulate the electromagnetic spectrum, alongside other chemical and biological processes (“the microscopic”). We have intentionally developed these capabilities as to manufacture outcomes in the real world, for natural people. This in-turn has brought about an array of intended, and unintended consequences. The ability for us to make use of these systems, is only made able through the specified design principles used, to apply the technological capacity to make systems, to the purpose for which those skills are employed and the means through which they’ve been made economically able, to be brought about. The means through which law interacts with these design decisions is significant, as those who work on making ‘things’, do so, most-often, on behalf of an employer and/or a party other than themselves who provides the resources to do so.
As we continue in our pursuits to learn about our world, and what it means to be human, we do so through the adaptive development of an employment scheme of arrangement that has evolved overtime, long before we developed such sophisticated online ‘artificial intelligence’ related information systems.
Through the application of this infrastructure approach; we continue to forge new instruments enabling us to make, and make use of, knowledge, in the manner rendered support through socioeconomic systems. But the needs of people and the societies to which they belong, is changing as a consequence of our rapidly evolving ICT tools. Until recently, it was the case that the principle and primary means through which records were produced, stored and provided to others; was by way of written records. As computing systems and databases were developed, these paper based records were transcribed, by data entry operators, to databases to assist organisations more rapidly find information that was primarily stored on paper record. Whilst paper records do not change, information stored in electronic records can be modified at any time. Whilst the use of paper records most-often required the creator of those documents to provide a copy of it to other participants relating to the production of the document, whether it be a health related record, a retail receipt or a contract between parties; electronic records often do not provide a similar level of support to the consumer of organisations, who are increasingly changing their practices to use databases. More modern systems now generate data ‘machine to machine’, whilst the style and functional support of almost all of the systems used by companies, provide far less functional support for consumers than they do for internal and commercial use, between businesses (such as advertiser, commercial partners and application developers by way of APIs)
The development of most important systems is, for the most part, produced by legal personalities in a manner that is focused on how those systems need to operate to serve their needs, alongside the needs of their consumers as required of them by law; and, as considered to be beneficial for their brand and economic growth.
As it is the case, that the way this ‘norm’ of ‘information systems’ have evolved overtime, as to definitively be the means through which information is produced, made available and operated today; as does currently focus on the needs of how it is, that our legal personalities are made able to operate it; and that they are reasonably preferentially considering their needs above our own, as natural persons, distortive effect are symptomatically prevalent at a time where these systems, are being connected to ‘artificial intelligence’ to intepretation based on what information is available, without being able to consider or algorithmically process, what is not available.
The implications of how our current mediums (information management systems) have been designed in a specific type of way, is that there is a volume of information that is available in support of some forms of issues; and characterisations, no-matter the form of relationship had with any particular organisation, is in some ways very well supported by the way systems work for those whose gainful employment relates to the use of them. Yet, when being considerate about the interactive nature between organisations and natural persons, brought about through the use of data, the far broader complexities are not well provided support. As much as our roles in society by way of participating in forms of gainful employment is important, our means to do so is premised upon our ability to ensure technology works best for us as citizens, through which any form of employment is thereby made possible.
Complicating matters relating to information management further; are considerations that are intrinsically linked to the economic framework, as to include (but not be exclusive to) the means through which international law (principally contract law, as does relate more specifically to consumers) interacts legally, on an international basis, that in-turn influences societies where some may relate to the ‘rule of law‘ elected by the online system operator (citizens), and many others who depend upon it, may not (legal alien). Law manifestly considers on a geographic territory basis intepretation, considerations and the means through which any geographic territory makes use of law to address important issues for those who are in the boundaries of their Jurisdiction territory; in-turn, leading to authorities building upon this, to form agreements with others internationally. Yet the texts and authored constituents of law, are not universally the same across the world; in fact, in so many ways, they are very, very different. This is not a problem that can simply be fixed by solving a problem in one legislative act, but rather, the means through which the eco-system of legislatives acts form a quilted framework in which to keep societies fair, just and equal. Whilst it is the case that very large companies and government can form their own agreements (particularly for law enforcement related purposes); access to justice, by vulnerable citizens cannot be easily attended to in this way. This in-turn leads to a circumstance where our present, medium, needs to change in-order to support the needs of our modern societies as has developed through the use of what we have already made; in a manner that has been so successful, it has led to new and emerging issues.
In our pursuits to collate knowledge, that has driven us to build tools that we can use to improve the way we observe, study, calculate, modify and make use of the world and all things in it (Universitas) in new ways. Today, what was considered previously to be impossible, has brought about a medium through which our world and beyond, is now interconnected with an artificial realm. This medium acts through the objective use of data, through which; near instant, dynamic linguistic communications. now evolves with more capacity than humanity by itself could ever do. This new medium, has been designed to make use of knowledge, as we make new agents, that are natively designed to flourish in this new medium, more easily known as cyberspace.
The influence put upon our world, have been built through the use of knowledge, formed upon the exploration of classical physics; and moreover, the related fields of science, technology, engineering (arts) and mathematics. The influence of ‘art’ has always played a significant role; yet the means to form a system of measuring how this is the case, is not thought to exist.
The developments of humankind and the impact we have upon our natural world, is influenced by the societal means through which, by works of art, we render opportunity. The means to do so depends upon the means of safety made available to those, who are inferred the means to pursue works that progress the useful arts and sciences. Through which the ubiquitous availability of derivatives, becomes available. If our information systems are poorly designed, the means to support meaningful progress is diminished.
The way these systems work, is inextricably linked to the way of our systems of economic distribution are made to function. Throughout the course of living memory, the changes have both been rapid and remarkable. From a time where distribution of material artefacts, such as gold, to the times where the modernisation of systems brought forth by a new ‘systems of information’ that does far more complex procedural considerations, we now modify the means of individuals to new economics of choice.
So, when considering what it is to form modern medium, that takes into consideration all of the present framework opportunities; from the means to employ advanced artificial intelligence systems, the ability to ensure decentralised applications are now able to work across the planet via internet connectivity; the capacity to employ cryptography, and the ability to form new business systems through cryptographically trusted, decentralised ledgers; the means to build a better future is arguably no longer a technical challenge, but rather one of significant social consequence.
In our current ‘information management’ systems; the means through which the notion of debt is employed; associates the capacity of an individual to ‘service debt’, as to be afforded ‘wealth’; which is in-turn able to be attributed to our natural world by metrics that include but are not limited to; consumption, energy use and socio-environmental impacts.
Sums can more simply be derived as a linear equation; as the manifestly compliant needs of an ‘informatics’ environment, that can otherwise be built, to the sufferance, of all or the opposite. Where systems fail; amongst those most vulnerable to the worst effects, are those who make works of ‘art’, which is all too commonplace today. The definition of art is; the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination. The studies of works within within many subject matter fields, including quantum physics, presents a means through which we can better explain the concept of an interference pattern as to correlate the applied use of ICT; yet much like any form of ‘state of the art’ works, it is indeed easier to describe using existing examples, than making attempts to describe the application of the same concepts, to new, innovative applications; designed as a consequence of a persons ‘artistic’ capacities, complimenting a skillset that is otherwise denoted in the field of ‘Liberal Arts‘ or indeed STEM.
These works of humanity are now, on a wholesale basis, being funnelled into large-scale operators who in-turn have enormous means, to process all the information provided to them, to produce highly advanced ‘artificial intelligence’ related services that are operated on a proprietary basis, due to their current global leadership as ‘silos’. As the use of internet continues to extend into our homes and our environments, the existential implications are beyond comprehension; and potentially, beyond means to form reasonable, legal remedy; for issues otherwise recorded, through the information systems of today.
The ability to correct these issues is brought about by investing in the development, availability and extension of an alternative marketplace offering, built upon a different ‘information management structures’. This is expected to be identifiably considered to be, an entirely new medium. It is expected to bring about, systemic impacts, that can result in the operation of corpus through means built upon the capacity for individuals; as to improve their means to becoming informed to make decisions, and in-turn, be held to account for their decisions.
This is in-turn expected to impact the way other artefacts of the natural world become better understood, considered, cared-for and employed. It is expected to change the economics, of how we impact our world and what it is, people we consider leaders of society, are known to have done to be awarded such accolades.
The manifest of our reality, our world, is inextricably linked to the terms for which we define our innately unique and irreplaceable qualities; in information systems and how the dynamic qualities of those systems are applied to any and all communications & systems, of value.
Whilst it is often reasonably understood that we as individuals may innately ‘know’ ‘good’ from ‘bad’, and that works such as the exploration of ‘moral grammar’; and related, contextually philosophical forms of material basis, through which discussion and process be met between humans; the capacity for us to have transferred a means, in which to support the use of agents that are artificial in nature, has simply not existed util recently. It is now the case, that the infosphere is an instrumental tool used to exist and modernise the world around us.
If we want the outcome to be ‘human centric’, then its important we build systems to support the delivery of that outcome. It has always been the case that to understand our pathway forward, we must understand how it is that we have forged presences by way of provenience; as to discern what is real, and what it is we have immaterially created (fantasy). The structural nature of our current systems are failing to resolve widespread problems that are leading people to make decisions on the basis of fantasy, all too often.
It is incumbent upon us, i believe, to form means in which to preserve our natural world by way of the development of our societies; by way of the creations of ficta; which requires us to Sig Animarum by corpus, as it presents the otherwise unmeasurable risk, that these systems may well be deployed as to form a manufactured sense of reality. Artificium is now instrumental to the beneficial owners as to make itself a reality that is now therefore distorted, as to cause incapacitation; and harm to us all.