Artificium Corpora et Sapientiae Universitas is about how it is entirely possible, to build a knowledge banking industry that is designed to support, a non-linear knowledge curation framework. These systems produce ‘inforgs’, that support the electromagnetic operation of Human Experience
An inforg is an informationally embodied organism, entity made up of information, that exists in the infosphere. These informationally embodied organisms are also called natural agents. source wikipedia
My core argument is that the present, cloud-computing, silo based architecture is distorting the reality of humanity as a whole, causing significant problems. I have held a strong belief about how it is these problems can be solved, and this website documents the outcomes formed as a result of around two decades of work done on producing (and contributing towards) the tooling for a ‘Human Centric Web’. My theory, has been built upon the underlying theory that our societies need ‘knowledge banking industries’.
I started in 2000 with my idea for an information bank, and over the course of my journey, have had the opportunity to work with many world-leaders overtime, in what has been a remarkable journey.
In attempting to define the purpose of these works, in latin;
- Artificium’ is defined to mean craft, skill or technology,
- corpora as the plural form of corpus, derives from the Latin word for body, or a “body of people” as to have now evolved to the term ”corporation”,
- Sapientiae as to mean in plural wisdom; and
- Universitas the word latin word to mean “the whole, total, the universe, the world”.
The concept of corpus is used in relation to the concept of Persona Ficta which means ‘legal personality’, or legal entities who are not human.
By extension, the application of law has formed a man-made concept of ‘artificial persons’ that are now attributed legal rights, independent to its relationships with natural persons.
Natural legal persons are of course distinct to any ‘artificial person’ and whilst the original context was formed in the previous generation of (“printing era”) technology and tools; the application of considerations with respect to ‘artificial actors’ now also include ICT agents.
The purpose of a ‘human centric web’, through the active use of inforgs, is to adapt the use of technology, to progress humanity as a species, in service to our natural world.
This site is designed to compile the work-product produced; alongside related links and information; in the hope it’ll be useful to others. The site contains libraries of links, videos, books that are available to learn about the global standards based software tooling and related software products; alongside an array of thoughts, business concepts and related theory produced by me.
I hope the dynamic array of consumable hypermedia provides something that can be made useful by people of different fields. from the business and governance related content, to the ICT technical materials made available.
The scope of these works can more easily be deployed by the global giants already operating the bulk of the technology stack, albeit, without the required legal, economic or consumer interface requirements needed to bring it about.
This can all change very quickly and I suspect things are about to change.
Website Contents
The site contains an array of materials. The ‘information architecture’ of this website has not been done as yet, nor has templating been reviewed in any serious way (i’ve just got something that works, for now).
All content should be considered draft, and some, employs ‘social encryption’ and can be reasonably considered ‘rubbish’ by those who lack kindness. This is in-part, an intentional practice method that is now being reviewed given the progressive state of works more broadly; and the shift in audience, this site is intended to be made useful to, for proper purpose.
My practice method has separated materials in the following way;
constituents: the ‘constituents’ page lists, posts that have been harvested off my old websites alongside newly created ones. There is a search feature alongside other means to find content produced historically.
about: contains more commercially accessible (non-technical) pages that make an attempt to describe the multifaceted nature of the body of work.
Technical Introductions: is WIP (work in progress). it is designed to provide technologists, of various skills sets, the means to evaluate the communicated concepts in various forms of technical terms.
Resource Library: is also WIP. Some technical work needs to be done (which will be done during the ‘templating’ stage); but this section, is currently designed to provide references to known 3rd party materials (ie: books, code, relevent 3rd party projects) alongside some of my own.
Amongst the fields of work that i believe to be amongst my greatest achievements, is the design of a methodology i believe to be quantum resistant; whereby informatics can be secured through a practice method i call ‘social encryption’. This methodology is a multifaceted thing, that by practice theory; has been shown to deliver ‘as intended outcomes’. Put simply, there is a means and methodology to what may otherwise be considered madness.
This in-turn provides an AI, Quantum Computer and idiot proof; informatics schema, that provides a defensible position against misuse, whilst supporting the means through which SME (subject matter experts) can make sense of it.
The methodology employs what is in-essence considered to be a form of ‘web science’; that is, a branching methodology that employs psychology as much as it does linguistics, decentralised information systems design; and other qualities, somewhat systematically.
When searching this site for something that relates to a field of endeavour you really truely care about; you’ll likely find the resource you need. If you don’t, you won’t. This includes the additional information provided on the site about social encryption. If you don’t understand enough to be able to find it, It won’t make sense to you, you won’t know what to do about it; and that is part of my informatics design demonstrating something, you won’t understand makes sense or how it could be made use of to solve problems.
Coders often suggest the only intellectual property that counts is documentation and working code. In-turn they seek out investors, to pay those they believe more broadly to be irrelevant.
My work, in part, argues the point; in a far more inclusive way.
This site is new, raw and a “work in progress”. I have years of work that i need to publish and intend to do so here; but that takes more time than i’ve spent, and as such – this site is still, from a content perspective, incomplete. I also need to refactor my ‘code’ to make it more accessible to others. In-past, i’ve employed an array of techniques now made defunct. As anyone who really knows what its like to do this kinda work will know; The importance of ensuring global, open, patent pool protected standards was (is) extraordinary.
It is the case today that the tooling required, is available in that format. This wasn’t the case at all when i started; so, please be considerate of the journey.