Social Encryption: An Introduction

Human beings are far more complex than computers.

As social-organisms, making use of our real-world environment alongside other senses; we are very different to the things we’ve made, even though we’re now using them to make us ‘better’. 

ICT systems are already ‘smarter’ than us in a number of ways.  They’re able to process information in a way that no group of humans could ever achieve in a competitive timeframe.  

ICT networks and sensors continue to make attempts to mimic an array of behaviours humans learn, that humans have, yet humans generally develop these skills over long periods of time and computers that do many new things are still new.

Amongst the most rudimentary of core assumptions humans make is that we are able to rely upon our capacity to form a shared comprehension of things we consider to be constituents of our ‘reality’.

ICT is being used to both enhance and augment these capacities.

With sufficient evidence that any forum could be considered to share a level of consensus between those involved, Social Graph enabled ICT systems can be used to target specific groups and influence these outcomes. 

The practice of doing so, becomes much easier where there is only one ‘system’; however, the ramifications of ‘data quality’ suffers greatly as a consequence.

The means through which humans are ‘programmed’, is different to the way online systems are developed – to mimic and support the needs and ‘best interests’ of their operators.

This is influenced by the socioeconomic frameworks to which Institutions are bound by law to maintain; critical characteristics, that are different to what it means for all of us to be human.  

For example; computers can care less for children, other than as may be computed that they be provided additional stimulus; to warrant more ‘economic attention’.

By decentralising the web, the means to build social-encryption is considered to be amongst the most important underlying pillars required for socioeconomic growth.  The consequence of decentralising data-custodianship, access and discovery for federated queries enabling rendered outputs by dynamic agents; is considered, to be able to dramatically improve data-quality.

The concept of ‘social encryption’ is about making use of a multitude of networked, yet independently managed, computer systems in a manner that involves a large number of human beings.  

Q: How can we Verifiable the Claim that Tim Berners Lee appear at the 2012 Summer Olympics opening ceremony A: There are tens of thousands of people who were there, tens of millions watching live and now millions of links online, across the web, to improve the means available to verify whether or not this is true. The reality of these facts can only be changed by going through and causing every one of these agents to be made irrelevant, without being noticed for doing so.

The more people involved, who are using different, but linked systems; the more device/targets involved, making some forms of attack more difficult.

A common-property of all participants is time. Our computer systems don’t work very well unless tracking activity in relation to time.  By forming the means to produce records that are distributed across a multitude of systems, with a multitude of participants contributing towards a unified informatics environment, it becomes possible to make use of humans to produce ‘social encryption’.  

The impact of doing so is to improve the means to address threats otherwise posed by cryptography applied to singular systems, alongside issues posed by AI technologies; and the means to build a self-preserving, robust information management system that is more difficult to technologically attack.

Perhaps the most important consideration is how ICT can be used to protect against economic attacks.  The problem is not about whether the data exists or not; more often than not, the means to use data to evaluate any situation does indeed exist somewhere.  The problem is how we make use of data based on the standardised practices through which we may build infrastructure that performs the function of information management upon an idea of economic merit; build on old technology which now has other options.

The technology and tools required to make a change already power the largest organisations operating many of the worlds most important ICT systems today.

Setting-up Twitter

Morning folks,

So i’m on this journey setting-up an organisations digital infrastructure, and it’s time to make a few posts about Social Media use.


The senario is an organisation, with a website and a bunch of media utilities which may or may not have been translated to digital.  Common social-media networks include facebook, google+, youtube, p-interest, linkedin and vimeo but there are many others.  These services fit into a description geeks call “web-services”, where the system not only has an application for users, but also an application for other applications – that allow these services to feed knowledge between each-other.

The question comes around how twitter fits into this social-media landscape and lifecycle.

I think the simple way of looking at it, is that twitter is kinda like an internet based SMS Service – people can subscribe to.  The system, being internet based – provides a means for “twittering” links, quick messages – overall, calls to action.

Twitter can link into facebook.  There is a facebook blog note about how to do it here  but there are also videos on youtube

The benefit of linking twitter into facebook, is that rather than posting to twitter as well as facebook – posts into your facebook page, will automatically be posted on twitter too…

So, this is an easy way to get content streams happening on your twitter account.  The next step, is figuring out about the “following” aspects.

Twitter creates internal social networks.  these networks are not linked to friendships in other programs, such as facebook or google+.  their different, use different rules and are managed in a different way.

Accounts you are following (which may represent either people, or organisations) can be grouped using lists.  You might create a list, called “media” or one called “politics”, “environment”, etc.

whether you create lists or otherwise (lists are suggested) all you need to do is search for people, or things – and press the “follow” button.  if you find an account you think might be following others you’d be interested in following too; then you can click, within their profiles; on their “following” link – and browse who that user is following; putting them into your own lists, if you like.

Lists can also be followed; so if you follow a particular party; you might find they’ve got a list of people they follow, like senators – or parliamentarians.  rather than selecting each of those users, you can just select the list and follow that.

this is a simple method to set-up twitter.  Have Fun!!

Advanced Functions – Facebook Pages


I’ve made a post already about setting up a facebook page.  If you’ve done that, and am interested in customising the page a little – then here you are.

Like most web publishing nowadays, its more about content than technology.  (somewhat) gone are the days when it takes tens of thousands to build a customised Content Management System – or perhaps more readily – have someone sell you one they’ve already made for lots of bucks…

Nowadays, the problem is almost more sophisticated – it’s about the more traditional skills – telling stories, taking pictures, putting together videos, creating identity – formatting content, in a uniquely compelling way to engage your communities.


When thinking about page-tabs – how can this web-environment be developed to better assist your business, brand or cause?

We’ll i’ve been searching for solutions.  The main topic here, will be about page tabs.  In a page, there are a few boxes – where new content can be added to your page. The Page-Tab function, brings more than simply a new page – it is a place for applications, that can interact with the community using your page.

Facebook has a function where people can search for applications.  In that area, there are a bunch of applications already; but that’s not all,

A Search on Google will find a bunch more. Some interesting sites i found, were TabSite and TabFusion  Mind, i also found this site which provided a bunch of links.

Interestingly; Oracle has a site with some great apps…

Pam’s site gives some more info about pages for business.  It’s good information, but there is heaps out there about it.  I suggest you have a good look.  Depending on the size of your existing audience, i’d suggest you go out there and experiment a bit before spending too much (if any) money.

Hope that’s helpful.



Facebook Pages

Ok.  First-up, what is a facebook page, one might ask….  Perhaps even so, tell me about facebook?

Facebook, and others like it – are massive data-aggregators.  Their business models relay on people using the site frequently, whilst making connections to other sites and online services.  This in-turn, offers facebook an unthinkable archive of data about people, and everything connected to them.  From personal notes, through to friendships, through to locations, interests, etc.

This in-turn is theoretical “gold” to advertisers (and intelligence agencies) which helps them make enough money to pay for the service and make a profit.

on the up-side – there’s a lot of stuff they give away freely, on the basis that with a few dollars – someone may pay for advertising.  regardless of money, there are literally billions of people on the network.  It is a “walled garden” of users, with very different rules to the broader internet – such as high-degrees of authentication and identity assessment, and as such, is a critical environment for marketing to users.

The Page set-up process is relatively simple.  To begin with, you’ll need to be a user – and ideally, link (incite) all your friends to create accounts, and become “friends”; as this provides your page the ability to gain an initial network of “friends” or “likes” (the start of a digital community).  Once you’ve got yourself your own personal account on facebook, it’s simply a matter of going to the pages link – or “LINK” to start creating your page.

Now, before you start – you’ll need two images – one which is a square image, at low-resolution – to use as a logo.  It’s important this image isn’t too detailed, it really must be a logo-orientated graphic, else it’ll look “crap”.  The other image you’ll need, is a 16:9 ish image, which is used as a header or banner for your site.  This can be more detailed, and overall – its very much a branding graphic.

Once you’ve gone through these basic links – you’ve got your facebook page up.  A bunch of buttons will appear, asking you to invite your friends, etc.

You’ll be able to goto settings, and change different aspects of your site, including who can manage it.

There’s a bunch of youtube links about, Try searching google for videos about facebook pages