
this is just a quick one.  I found “Wix”  and although i know there’s a bunch of these ones out there, as previously discussed; this one looks kinda simple, and easy to set-up.


Advanced Functions – Facebook Pages


I’ve made a post already about setting up a facebook page.  If you’ve done that, and am interested in customising the page a little – then here you are.

Like most web publishing nowadays, its more about content than technology.  (somewhat) gone are the days when it takes tens of thousands to build a customised Content Management System – or perhaps more readily – have someone sell you one they’ve already made for lots of bucks…

Nowadays, the problem is almost more sophisticated – it’s about the more traditional skills – telling stories, taking pictures, putting together videos, creating identity – formatting content, in a uniquely compelling way to engage your communities.


When thinking about page-tabs – how can this web-environment be developed to better assist your business, brand or cause?

We’ll i’ve been searching for solutions.  The main topic here, will be about page tabs.  In a page, there are a few boxes – where new content can be added to your page. The Page-Tab function, brings more than simply a new page – it is a place for applications, that can interact with the community using your page.

Facebook has a function where people can search for applications.  In that area, there are a bunch of applications already; but that’s not all,

A Search on Google will find a bunch more. Some interesting sites i found, were TabSite and TabFusion  Mind, i also found this site which provided a bunch of links.

Interestingly; Oracle has a site with some great apps…

Pam’s site gives some more info about pages for business.  It’s good information, but there is heaps out there about it.  I suggest you have a good look.  Depending on the size of your existing audience, i’d suggest you go out there and experiment a bit before spending too much (if any) money.

Hope that’s helpful.



Stock Content

What a day it was, when i found out about stock content…

Stock Content doesn’t appear to be on wikipedia…  In simple-terms, it is the name given to pre-produced content (image, motion image, sound, etc.) and owned by production library and licensed to customers for use in their own productions, on a range of licensing terms; rather than, the production of content for exclusive use within a specifically produced product, services or greater work.

The purpose of Stock Content – is to acquire content, more cheaply than producing it yourself.

Wikipedia has a few entries on the subject, providing listings of providers of stock content – such as “Stock Footage“, “production music” and “stock photography“.

In some instances; a user can download the images with existing watermarks, and use them to figure out what their going to do with the item their trying to produce – prior to making purchases.

There is a world of content out there.  Sometimes, it’s just wiser to acknowledge someone else’s good-work, rather than trying to do too much yourself.

That said – i think we’ve all seen some of those images that are completely over-used.  I guess, try to find something a little unique and contextual…  just a suggestion…

Logo’s, Style Guides and Artwork

What’s a Logo – well that’s an easy question, which is somewhat pointless answering.

What’s a Style-Guide?  Well, that’s more complicated.

A Style Guide is a document or set of specifications outlining how to set-up the “look and feel” of documents, publications, websites and other materials produced by your organisation.  A Style Guide can either be set-up by a graphic design professional – or developed overtime.

There are many templates to figure out what types of things are necessary for a style guide. a quick google-search for the topic will come-up with some options.

One of the more annoying facets of producing a style guide; is the standardised formats in which the logos and related artwork needs to be produced.

There are a range of different shapes, sizes, and on digital – pixel density measures which are appropriated to logos – when applied to publishing environments.

This is much like advertorial guidelines, for submitting advertising artworks into 3rd party publications.

logo’s need to be simple.  If their not simple, that is a style in itself, but equally – there is still a need to help a user – simplify the logo, so that it can be used in a versatile and transportable manner.

Many hours can be spent in developing a logo; and related basic corporate identity artwork.  in a start-up, if you do not have the skills to do this yourself, or perhaps – not the time – there are a range of 3rd parties who provide basic services, which can easily get you off the ground.

logospire creates logos for people, cheaply.   A quick search on google – will find a bunch of similar sites…  Sometimes, the quickest path – may not be the best, but the easiest.

Website Templates

A common misunderstanding is that a website developer builds websites, cheaply from scratch.  What clients often do not understand, is that these website solutions are based upon easily accessible parts – which have taken hundreds or thousands of hours to code from scratch – most-often by highly skilled individuals.

In my page about websites i’ve shown a number of “opensource” alternatives, allowing customers to easily create a basic content management system – based web-solution.

Once  a solution has been identified to build the basic platform – the next problem becomes the “look and feel” of the website – the template.

Although it is possible to generate a new-template from scratch – it’s often not what small businesses need to start-off.  A website, is much like a shop – in that once you’ve got something that works, people – the business owners – generally think about how they’d like things to work over a period of time.  This form of “organic growth”, is a natural learning curve that is part of the evolving identity any new business, or new venture undertakes.

To help with this; website templates are invaluable resources.

Most Content Management Systems (WordPress, Drupal, etc.) all have a range of freely available templates – available for download either in the system, or alternatively – from the site where the CMS is developed and managed.

Beyond these freely available templates; people around the world, develop “premium templates” which are generally cost effective – and relatively easy to set-up – with relatively advanced functionality.

Themeforest and Elegant Themes are great sites if your looking for wordpress templates.  This is one of many for wordpress templates, and a personal favourite.  A Quick Google Search for wordpress templates or Drupal Templates will resource a host of different websites offering premium themes for a range of website solutions.

Although i haven’t gone into it too much – other systems, such as joomla as well as e-commerce systems, such as magento and and Open Cart also offer themes or template solutions.

However: When setting-up a website, it’s important to think about all the different aspects involved in running a business, most of which apply both to “Bricks and Morter” businesses, in addition to “digital” or virtual shop-front businesses.

It’s an important part of any business to consider the Total Cost of Ownership – which should take into account business risks, such as Fraud, Chargebacks, SPAM and other unwanted digital experiences – which can really take-up alot of time, money and energy sorting out problems which are best avoided.

Our recommendation is – unless a business is big enough to justify hiring someone good – to look after the technology full-time – try to make these sorts of potential issues, someone else’s problem.  Nonetheless, this is just another element of the overall strategy process involved in setting-up a business.