What a day it was, when i found out about stock content…
Stock Content doesn’t appear to be on wikipedia… In simple-terms, it is the name given to pre-produced content (image, motion image, sound, etc.) and owned by production library and licensed to customers for use in their own productions, on a range of licensing terms; rather than, the production of content for exclusive use within a specifically produced product, services or greater work.
The purpose of Stock Content – is to acquire content, more cheaply than producing it yourself.
Wikipedia has a few entries on the subject, providing listings of providers of stock content – such as “Stock Footage“, “production music” and “stock photography“.
In some instances; a user can download the images with existing watermarks, and use them to figure out what their going to do with the item their trying to produce – prior to making purchases.
There is a world of content out there. Sometimes, it’s just wiser to acknowledge someone else’s good-work, rather than trying to do too much yourself.
That said – i think we’ve all seen some of those images that are completely over-used. I guess, try to find something a little unique and contextual… just a suggestion…